"No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn"

Although it feels like we have been in a figurative "winter" for the past 2 years, it now feels like "spring" may be within our reach. As we welcome an actual time of seasonal renewal and regrowth, we are also experiencing a figurative rebirth from the darkness that has surrounded us for too long. The natural signs of spring are emerging, and the feeling of spring is palpable.

Our students planted parsley seeds on Tu B'shvat, with hopes that they would have parsley for their Passover seder. They've watered and cared for them, week after week, as we have all done for each other during this long and unnatural "winter".

Just as we celebrate Tu B'shvat in the cold, bleak winter, with the hopes that spring will deliver it's gifts, so are we hopeful that it will bring other sources of renewal for us, as well.

Wishing you all a spring fresh with new possibilities, a Purim filled with joy, and a Pesach that blossoms like parsley!

Suzanne Strichartz

Director of Family Learning